Sample delivery to Hospital San Joan de Deu in Barcelona
Enviado por BCN_Visitor el 12/03/2015 - 11:57.
I live in north-Scandinavia and sample delivery normally from here to nearest lab may take too much time.
Just asking possibility to deliver sample to hospital during holiday in Barcelona next summer.
I can visit first in hospital to get some hints for testing and deliver sample next day.
What I need to take into account?
Yes, I know - I may loose my holiday partially due to high choline level but what is more important: I need results from testing :)
- 100 lecturas
Seems that words changes locations on text after saving -hopefully still understable..
I know there exists 2 different types of TMAU: Primary (genetics) and secondary (acquired).
I assume primary tmau is possible to test by gene test but I am more interested about secondary type (urine test only possibility I assume).
If you can test secondary type and that is possible for visitors also - I am really interested to visit on your hospital.
It helps to avoid possible fail negative if I deliver sample directly to hospital as soon as possible.
Possible gene test totally ok in parallel of course - gene test only is not the preferred solution for me I think..
Exactly, in the secondary TMAU the genetic study may be negative.
However, regarding the measure in urine, we do not have the technology to perform the TMA analisys at our Hospital and this is only a Pediatric hospital.
I regret but in this case we can not help.
Dra. M Serrano